I Have No Idea How To Debug This

On my desktop system, I’m running XFCE on openSUSE Tumbleweed. When I leave my desk, I hit the “lock screen” button, the screen goes black, and the monitors go into standby. So far so good. When I come back and mash the keyboard, everything lights up again, the screens go white, and it says:

blank: Shows nothing but a black screen
Name: tserong@HOSTNAME
Enter password to unlock; select icon to lock

So I type my password, hit ENTER, and I’m back in action. So far so good again. Except… Several times recently, when I’ve come back and mashed the keyboard, the white overlay is gone. I can see all my open windows, my mail client, web browser, terminals, everything, but the screen is still locked. If I type my password and hit ENTER, it unlocks and I can interact again, but this is where it gets really weird. All the windows have moved down a bit on the screen. For example, a terminal that was previously neatly positioned towards the bottom of the screen is now partially off the screen. So “something” crashed – whatever overlay the lock thingy put there is gone? And somehow this affected the position of all my application windows? What in the name of all that is good and holy is going on here?

Update 2020-12-21: I’ve opened boo#1180241 to track this.

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